Roger That

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Lenten Promises

I'm Catholic, and for Lent this year I've decided to give up a few things:

1. Sweets. All sweets. From cookies to Skittles, birthday cake to M&Ms -- they're out of my diet for 40 days.

2. Pop. I don't drink it too much anyway, but that does kind of rule out my favorite cocktail for awhile.

3. Fast food. No late-night T Bell, MacD's, BK, or Wendeezy's for me.

I see these promises as challenging -- especially the fast food. I enjoy these things, but I also realize they're bad for me. I will just have to resist temptation.

Now, that being said, there are certain things that the majority of my friends see as temptations, but for me, I detest. For instance:

1. Doritos. I'll admit, they're tasty. But I once saw a TV special on Saddam Hussein where his prison guards recounted his number one request: Doritos. He ate them all the time; it became all he ate. And he became incredibly ornery if he did not have them. From that day forward, I have not eaten a single Dorito.

2. Eva Longoria, the "Desperate Housewife," and ladyfriend of my least favorite basketball player of all time, Tony Parker. The public is enamored with her, and now so is the NBA. (She recently coached a celebrity team at All-Star Weekend.)
Now, if I were to say she's an ugly looking gal , I'd be lying. But anyone who sees Tony Parker as attractive, I cannot stand. Of course, this stems from my love for the Pistons and my hatred for the Spurs. Still, other than her looks, she's got nothing going for her. She's not a good actress. She's not funny. And she's always got so much hideous makeup on, anyway. When my friends say, "Oh, Eva Longoria, she's so hot," I cringe. When a shot of her behind the Spurs' bench at the Palace flashed on the big screen last June, and many of the Pistons' faithful showered her with boos, I grinned. And it couldn't have been more smug.

3. Hot sticks. But I won't get into that.


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