Roger That

Sunday, March 05, 2006

An interesting start to my day

March 5 began with a Pistons loss (after midnight here in Kzoo), but I don't really feel like getting into that. All I'll say is Kobe is good, and 'Sheed shot too much.

Anyway, at 9 a.m. this morning, I awoke to my boy Phil causing a ruckus out in the lounge. So I head out there to learn that a BAT has appeared in his room. Phil discovered it at 4 in the morning, flying around in his single, so he left his room, shut the door, and slept in the lounge. When he returned a few hours later to check on it, the bat was perched on the ceiling, motionless. We decided to wait a few more hours, just to see if it would stay in its place, and around noon, it was still there.

Then, we examined the possible means for its removal. Paper bag? Plastic bag? Trash can? Cooler! I suggested a cooler with a retractable top -- and it worked. Phil placed it on the ceiling, waited patiently, and at the first feeling of movement, he snapped the top back on so quickly, I'd never seen Big Philly Style move that fast.

The ensuing celebration was sheer pandemonium. We had captured a bat! We yelled and ran around the room, excited to have conquered the nocturnal, possibly rabid rodent. For a brief moment, we pondered using the creature as a prank, letting it go in someone's room, or simply leaving the cooler somewhere, for some innocent passerby to discover a bat inside.

Instead, we took the cooler outside, opened the top, and expected the bat to fly out, buck wild. But when we opened the top, the bat moved nay a muscle. With the poke of a stick, my boy Damon was able to provoke a high-pitched squeal, and it appeared as if the blind one was trying to use its sound to vibrate off the walls of its surroundings. After awhile, the bat rose from the cooler, flew around belligerently, and finally rested beneath a gutter atop the roof of Severn Hall.

I don't know how it got in here, or if there are more to come, but, if necessary, we are prepared to revisit our roles as bat exterminators.

That's all from the Bat Cave, for now.


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